Jo Estill, who founded Estill Voice Training in 1988, started by asking the simple question, “How am I doing this?” Now a world-renowned educator, researcher, and singer, Jo has devoted her life to answering that question.

Jo provides the answer by turning the complex study of vocal production into a manageable set of structures and voice qualities. Her system, Estill Voice Training simplifies the learning process by breaking the voice down into its working parts – the actual structures that make the voice work. Using EVT’s Figures for VoiceÔ, a series of vocal exercises, students learn to control each structure independently and then combine the structures to create different voice qualities.

By being able to consciously access these elements of your voice the singer gains confident control with many vocal styles. EVT provides fundamental knowledge and techniques for voice rejuvenation and vocal health.

The most efficient way to study the complete Vocal Model and exercises or Figures is to take the five day workshop Level I & II.

Level I

In Level I you learn the 13 anatomical elements that Jo Estill observed, and their relationship to the sound and power of your voice. You learn to voluntarily and independently control these elements and their practical application for such things as:

  • Four ways to make your voice more powerful without strain
  • How to sing higher more easily
  • How the cricoid cartilage helps you belt with no strain and greater range
  • Three ways to start your sound and how they influence your tone.
  • How the false folds help protect your voice from hoarseness
  • How the adam's apple (thyroid cartilage) can help you make a clearer tone
  • Three things that will make your voice sound deeper and richer
  • How to smooth out your break or “passagio”

    Level II

    Knowing  how to voluntarily adjust the 13 anatomical elements, allows you to combine them in different combinations or “Recipes”. Level II works with six voice qualities and explores their use in Folk Music, Jazz, Pop, Early Music,  Musical Theater Opera, country music, gospel, Rhythm & Blues , Ethnic and Choral singing.  Understanding how the figures effect your sound  and power also allows you greater breadth of dynamic expression, and character development.

    The workshop involves Powerpoint presentations, endoscopic videos, anatomical models and slides. There are application activities and small group practices. There is a chance for individual attention in a master class format at the end of most instruction days.     The workbooks provide a complete summary of the Estill Vocal Training model. You will also learn how to read a spectragram and how it can be used to provide you with continuing feedback on how well you are executing the Figures for the Voice.

    All Estill International approved courses are taught by Certified Course Instructors who have gone through a multilevel training, testing, and observation program. 

    Listing of 13 Compulsory Figures click here

    Schedule of upcoming workshops presented by Studio Sing, Sing , Sing, click here

    The website for Estill International